You held me first.
Made me laugh first.
Danced with me first.
You held my hand when I was scared.
You even chased away the monsters I said I heard..
You can judge me.
Talk about me behind my back.
I won't budge.
I won't hurt you,
But I won't listen,
Or pay attention to you.
For if you really ..
Like fear,
It devours the mind.
It starts as a small flame
Deep within the heart.
If that flame
Is left untamed,
You will suffer the co..
This is another one I've written a few years ago.
This is something I worte about 3 or 4 years ago and I still have it, which is sort of amazing (I tend to misplace a lot of things), but it's still on..
This is something I worte for my friend so she will never forget me and how much we have together.
We’re all in our cave at the moment, but it is a little crowded with our two newest members of our family, Oro and Cloud. Plus, it’s get..
Hey! I know most of you are mortals who are reading this right now, but if you're not then GREAT! Anyways I'm here to tell you about my world, my st..
Like you mortals we go to school, but depending on our characteristics, we each have a different time to be there. If you're creatures of the night ..
Six kids are in the middle of a crisis that is effecting their "Underworld". They'll have to put their minds and powers together to defeat Canaan the..