Sharp are your thorns,Delightful are my moans,In savoring your groans,I close my eyes in contentment,Feeling the ecstasy, the joy, I have been sent.Ev..
All of life is fleeting,As everyone is slowly fleeing,Trying to find their way in life, SeekingThat place that makes them whole, always moving on, alw..
Final moment between Guts and Griffith
Gaze upon nature,How it is so mature,A ever-changing fixture,And an enticing lure.Viewing its splendor,Its eternal glamor,Its undying resilience,And i..
Taking my genuine emotions, my heartfelt feelings,Grinding them under your heel, smashing them,Laughing as they are crushed beneath you, yet cruelly s..
For all artist, with love
Should I curse thee,Even as you brush me free,Without a care in the world, without a thought,Even as I lay here, wondering what I saw in you, what I s..
Just your touch,A mere caress, a slight graze,Sets me into a feeling, an indescribable healing,The insignificance of my soul's bleeding, Paling to the..
Linger within me,Stay forever more,Woes begone,As I succintly taste your essence.Fresh memories of you,Almost as if yesterday,Brighten me to nostalgia..
Confliction, Deception, Introspection, Retrospection, Contraception, Reflection, Who art thou? Who am I? Who are you? Bicurious, Heterosexual, ..