SOMETHING HAPPENED As i walked behind him I felt the uncontrollable urge To DANCEYep right there IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STREET He was whistling SNAPPIN ..
She wants to feel the softness of feathers upon the tips of her toes Reaching out for comfort that will surely comeCaresses the moments before midnigh..
Suspended momentsAnimated life frames And I held my hands high and prayed for rain to Come and hide mine tears For it has been so long now And still p..
Delivered with an hour of numbness I wander round these words Some verging on insane Some meraculious discoveries of truth And some just painful refle..
I am but a moment of understanding Within the vast void which we call life I am meerly here to try to understand Who I am Within tear drops we find sa..
Sitting on the edge of reasoning I wander through corridors i dont believe to be my own How did I stumble once again into this cavern The damp walls c..