Liderien : Writing

To You

To You

A Poem by Liderien

Morning good say I to theetrust I, thou slept well?this day a smile I ask of theeknow thoughts of thee are near may sunshine glisten upon thy browthe..
The Mind of a Man

The Mind of a Man

A Story by Liderien

a rough draft of a story I started.


A Poem by Liderien

I stand at the edge. The depths compel me to enter in. The glimmering reflection of the sun Has me mesmerized in its display. All knowledge falls f..
Amanda, My Sweet

Amanda, My Sweet

A Poem by Liderien

This was written last year to my daughter, it is very rough and no editing was done.


A Poem by Liderien

Deep hues of fawn Lost in reverie Draws to the soul Gallant victor Slowly unveiled Measures the verities Soft breath of ardorTaken in P..
To My Father

To My Father

A Poem by Liderien

This is actually a song I wrote, very simple and not very intuitive


A Poem by Liderien

Im not sure why I named this Reduced. Perhaps someone might tell me...
New York

New York

A Story by Liderien

I decided to visit the Empire State building. It had been a long week at the office and I needed to see something new. I had planned on going ma..


A Poem by Liderien

Majestic lucent of azure Pervaded flames singe the ruins Wisps of luminous earth swirl Dancing to the path of night The Nebulous sound of her ar..


A Poem by Liderien

Papersriffled and creasedwordsscribbled and scrawledthoughtshasty and weakmemoriesforever enthralled