The days are long; the wounds are deep. Fate; the last scene flashes. I try to understand, but I cannot. I am not capable of such treachery, not witho..
You approach me, with dagger drawn from sheath. Placing a quick thrust into my heart You yank the dagger away only to plunge it again, this time deepe..
O heavy heart that aches with despair
Lost, despondent, and left to die
O the soul that concedes to the pain
Inside of me that..
Indigence lies in wait
Like a predator stalking his prey
Parading the perimeters of my sagacity
Stroking its appetite off my fright
Its growl echo..
Affliction seems like death
the dream I had last eve
The breath of one afar
had seemed within reach
and touched the heart of me
Ive waited so l..
The veil of darkness descended
Wisp of clouds at first.
Night would fall
Nightmares turn out.
It couldn’t, it wouldn't.
Final shards of l..
Through morning glass the day star shines
Thine weary head to rise
Twilight bethink alone twas I not
With me, you I there find
Essence of thee..
I await the day that I no longer suffer. I hope, implore, and plead; cry out for the discharge of this bondage of adoration. I fancy it no more, but..
Your love…
Redolent in morning flurry
Objet trouvé on seas shore
Moonlight dances like lights of hope
Deceiving the eye with distractions
Sounds of waves crash recusant to creation
Like echoes of distant memor..