Misery : Writing

~ Too Far ~

~ Too Far ~

A Poem by Misery

He said: I just need someone to tell me When I’ve gone too far, In my mind’s killing fields Sometimes...I go too far. ..
~  W A R  ~

~ W A R ~

A Poem by Misery

He said: I don’t believe in murder It’s wrong to kill a human I don’t believe in armies But I had to raise my hand ..
~ Exit Wounds ~

~ Exit Wounds ~

A Poem by Misery

Lost his job on the assembly line Was replaced by a new machine Couldn’t pay bills, lost his home The bank just called his car loan ..
~ Spill ~

~ Spill ~

A Poem by Misery

Spill a little summer wine for me Spill a tear in wintertime for me Spill just a little springtime death And leave my autumn soul bereft O..
~ The Gate ~

~ The Gate ~

A Poem by Misery

I was a warrior, when wars were far from me I was a hero, when no perils were near O’ but now... The barbarians are at The Gate And ..
~ Lament ~

~ Lament ~

A Poem by Misery

He said: We are far flung from the dusty days The days of yore Far flung from our own true ways... Wrecked upon a submissive shore Amid..
~ "Daughter of Darkness" ~

~ "Daughter of Darkness" ~

A Poem by Misery

something for you
~ Thrice I Cried Out ~

~ Thrice I Cried Out ~

A Poem by Misery

Once, I cried out From an open grave on a moonless night For a woman To guide me by the glow of love’s light But there was no one. ..
~ Midnight Snack ~

~ Midnight Snack ~

A Poem by Misery

He keeps his poems in the refrigerator Where his food used to be, Ballads beside an empty pizza box Crisp, garlic-scented pages. Midni..
~ Jagged Things ~

~ Jagged Things ~

A Poem by Misery

There are days I can remember There are years I can’t recall Time, as if frozen in winter Memories, lost in the fall. There are song..