Misery : Writing

~ A Quiet Walk ~

~ A Quiet Walk ~

A Poem by Misery

Guess I’ll go for a quiet walk Where unicorns pleasantly stalk Where sweet rains and sunlight caress Green leaves of a forest fortress ..
~ Gentle Valley ~

~ Gentle Valley ~

A Poem by Misery

Yes…your gentle valley Fragrant with jasmine’s glory Warmly I whisper Upon the silky petals Slowly they bloom Blossom wide..
~ For Love Of Poetry ~

~ For Love Of Poetry ~

A Poem by Misery

Broken jaws … Where poets pause Their sonnets in mid-verse, Tongues get tied … Where readers ride Stanzas slammed in re..
~ Even Then ~

~ Even Then ~

A Poem by Misery

We were broken Before the worlds were formed Before cracks appeared in the rocks And the rocks became walls; We were scattered Whil..
~ Home For A Dreamer ~

~ Home For A Dreamer ~

A Poem by Misery

The days we strayed Upon the ragged verge Our frayed and jagged nerves Scraping deep within Like the splintered ends Of a broken femur;..
~ Veils of Silver Moonlight ~

~ Veils of Silver Moonlight ~

A Poem by Misery

I long to see you sleeping sweet In naught but veils of moonlight Long to linger as the night Just within your slumber's reach O' to r..
~ Twice Torn In Half ~

~ Twice Torn In Half ~

A Poem by Misery

He’s a man twice torn in half Now watch as the people laugh At the quarter-pieces scattered In fields where cold rains splatter And ..
~ Does Anyone Die? ~

~ Does Anyone Die? ~

A Poem by Misery

She said: Does anyone die? The bullies at school never died And they were always there; Those who cut in front of me in line Never d..
~ Life Is What? ~

~ Life Is What? ~

A Poem by Misery

She said: Life is sweet…so be grateful. I often search for the place where Great is full and filling still I try to seize its spilling..
~ The Living and The Dead ~

~ The Living and The Dead ~

A Poem by Misery

On a lonely stretch of desert road, I sat outside a bus station, in the yellow dust and brutal heat of August. An old man, in a faded shirt and..