Misery : Writing

~ Poetry is Her Nakedness ~

~ Poetry is Her Nakedness ~

A Poem by Misery

Twice raped was Naked Alice At 15 deep-set wounds were made At 23 deepest scars were healed Yes…Alice said healed; Now ..
~ Swirls of a Starry Night ~

~ Swirls of a Starry Night ~

A Poem by Misery

In swirls of a starry night Let me see with Vincent's eye He anguished for his artistry I languish in my misery Like a poet prone..
~ Me Letting Go ~

~ Me Letting Go ~

A Poem by Misery

The old house is nearly empty Just a few items too difficult to let go: Her reading glasses and recipe books, Faux-gold tray holding ..
~ Ash’kar and Norris are Dead ~

~ Ash’kar and Norris are Dead ~

A Poem by Misery

Ash’kar and Norris My valiant fellows Companions in siege Ale house and graveness Ash’kar of sword keen Heart ..
~ A Vagrant Among Ruins ~

~ A Vagrant Among Ruins ~

A Poem by Misery

I stand amidst the vagrants Lounging among the ruins Supine, recline In recesses, alcoves Tattered clothes Tattered souls Lives ..


A Poem by Misery

The Hindu Kush mountains: Where invading Mongol hordes stalked And doomed, ill-trained Redcoats walked Where a mule hauls like a landl..
~ Deliver Me ~

~ Deliver Me ~

A Poem by Misery

In this night of too much darkness, too much dissension I pummel my brow with feeble palms I call out to an unresponsive sky of feigned com..
~ Considine ~

~ Considine ~

A Poem by Misery

“What is thy name?” Considine; I am called Considine, my liege. “What is thy title?” Bard of The ..
~ Fount of Labia ~

~ Fount of Labia ~

A Poem by Misery

Your cherished fount of labia Insatiably I drink Fangs sink deep Into your succulence You grasp...from pain arousing Blood se..
~ we move like ghosts ~

~ we move like ghosts ~

A Poem by Misery

"from: Samurai Diary, a collection of poems that begin and end quickly like the infamously short sword duels of the samurai."