PlacidoDi : Writing

After The End

After The End

A Book by PlacidoDi

"Why are we still here when it's all over?" "What's over?" "Everything."
After The End

After The End

A Chapter by PlacidoDi

90 years a.t.e (After the End) Some things never change, and war is the only constant. Why are we still here?
The Southern Sun

The Southern Sun

A Chapter by PlacidoDi

Like trying to find shade in a land with no night.
Metal Memories

Metal Memories

A Chapter by PlacidoDi

I am a number, I am a soldier, I am ready to die. For a reason.
Gray Eyes, Gray Voice

Gray Eyes, Gray Voice

A Chapter by PlacidoDi

All I have left are my unanswered questions. I've given everything else.
Singing Through The Fog

Singing Through The Fog

A Chapter by PlacidoDi

The real monsters are people.