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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

When I was eleven, my cousins and I sat down and decided we want to write a fifty book long series that would become an instant bestseller. Obviously, that hasn't happened yet (and I doubt it will) but that was what sparked my interest in writing.
Fast forward three years and I started writing stories in my free time, just to play around with creating worlds and characters and plots.
It has now been four years since I've started writing for fun, and most of pieces are still visible on my profile (although the quality is greatly debatable). I write mainly science-fiction and fantasy, aimed at a young adult audience.
I'm open to comments/questions, but keep in mind that I am still a young adult whose only experience in writing are the AP Lit and creative writing courses she took in high school. My main areas of concern are action scenes, provoking emotion, and style (though I am open to constructive criticism on anything).
Happy reading!


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Posted 3 Years Ago

Hey everyone, I hope all of you are doing well. Sorry I haven't been updating recently but I've been preparing for The Emerald-Opal Heir, which will be the third and final book to the Reader series I started last summer. As those of you who read The Writer are aware, I've been playing around with different POVs and character voices throughout the last book. In the conclusion, I plan to use POVs from five main characters. Since I want to improve on giving each character a unique "voice", I wanted to start by writing short stories from each character's past to kind of get a feel for their mindset. These stories will likely have little relevance to the plot of book 3, but if any of you are interested in reading them I'd be happy to post them. Stay safe and happy Reading!

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Posted 4 Years Ago

Due to a lack of motivation, I have made the decision to NOT rewrite Wings of Paper. Instead, I will be choosing one of three options. Option 1) I write the sequel to Outside the Box. Option 2) I write the third book and conclusion to The Reader series. Option 3) I work on a new story called Marks of the Past. Please let me know what you would most like to see because I don't want to write a story no one will read. Thanks!