Leon C

Leon C


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Southend on Sea, United Kingdom
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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

I've been writing on and off all my life but I first took it seriously about 10 years ago. I'd read some awful short stories and felt I could do better. I tried but failed to match them. Before I realised how hard it was I was bitten by the bug and had to keep writing.

I now feel confident enough in my work to share it and hope that you kind people will offer me the advice and encouragement I need to improve.

I am realistic enough to now that my talent is limited and so the things I write are for my pleasure and those friends who read them.


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Posted 8 Years Ago

Suffering with writers block. The words aren't there and no ideas are growing in my head. My frustration and impotence is so frustrating

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Posted 9 Years Ago

Having finished my first Goodnight and Peterson story I've come to realise that 'westerns' aren't a brand of rye that is very popular in these parts. To this end I have decided to enter into the most fashionable of subjects. The choice was between teenage girls falling in love with vampires or zombie apocalypses. I have gone for the latter. So I have posted the first part of Farewell Humanity. It is a multistrand tale that spans time and space, so please read and feedback.

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Posted 9 Years Ago

hello!! :)

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Posted 9 Years Ago

I have finally finished The Silver Rider - hooray!! Now starts the editing.
As you can see I have added some other bits and bobs. Please read and review

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Posted 9 Years Ago

It's been suggested that I might get more reviews if I change my profile picture to something with more dignity. So I deleted Bob my minion and posted a picture of me. Thankfully the site has cropped off the top of my head and saved you all from that horror but left my cat. He is, I'm sure you'll agree the looker in our pairing.

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Posted 9 Years Ago

Well, enthused by this site I have taken up my pen or keyboard and returned to the tale of John Goodnight. I am now entering the endgame of the story. I am hoping to finish the tale in the coming days and then be in a position to review, revise and post here.
Sadly the opening chapter has only garnered one review which is sad, one because it means people can't be bothered or two it is so poor that people don't want to tell me.

I have struggled to find a supportive group as many seem to have members but only content dating back a couple of years - this is frustrating but I remain patient and optimistic.

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Posted 9 Years Ago

New to the site. Joined 17 August.

I'm interested in finding a support group to help me develop my writing skills. I am concentrating on screen writing now as it suits the time I have available in my life.