Len Gesinski

Len Gesinski


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About Me

Len Gesinski lives in Villa Park, Illinois, USA.
49 Year Old Poet tending towards both Free-verse and Abstract forms. Daily Dabblings: Haiku, Senryu, and Tanka forms.
Spoken Word Poet, Painter(Oil on Canvas), and Hand-Sketching with both Charcoal and Pastels.
Occasionally known to play Bass. Wannabe Philosopher and otherwhise unattached observer in this world.

2012: Was interviewed and read some free-formed Haiku Dane Ladwig’s ‘View from My Loft’ Show.

Published Pieces:

Mishigami(Great Water) was included in Solstice Initiative's Aqueous

One piece of my poetry ‘Layers’ was published in Brian Wrixon’s ‘The Poetry of War and Peace’(BLURB).
I’m a Longtime Member and now Organizer of the Naperville Writers and Poets Group(Naperville, Illinois).
Active Personal Projects:
*Writing a Book initially titled ‘Conversations(In Blue)’—Family Traditions and Cherished Memories, Quotes, and Old Neighborhood Friends.
Website: http:// http://leng64.wordpress.com/

Twitter: @LenG1964

Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian......a sloppy/wannabe Vegan.

Tikkun olam