Lee Kuro

Lee Kuro


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About Me

Hello, all. My name's Lee. I'm a major anime fan and love nothing more than a rainy day and a good book. Or paper and a pencil. Either way, I love a rainy day.

My favorite thing in the world is Kingdom Hearts. I'm a KH nerd. My favorite character from that is Axel. He's just amazing.

I get writer's block so frequently that I have personified my writer's block and the rest of my sanity. Winona and Keichira. The only time Winona (my writer's block) is quiet is when I'm reading aloud to her. And Keichira is always quiet, so she's alright.

I read and write romance and fantasy stories. I don't really like anything else. I don't know why, though. Romance and fantasy is what suits me.

I live in my world a lot, so spacing out and daydreaming come natural to me. I carry around a notebook and pencil wherever I go; you never know when a good idea will hit you.

Don't be afraid to talk to me; I won't bite. Unless Winona escapes and talks to you by accident. She wouldn't though; Keichira does a good job of restraining her. So please, talk to me whenever you want. If you have a story you'd think I'd be interested in, just speak up. I'd be happy to read it. Or if you just want to talk, I'm ok with that, too.