The length of my fingers reaching as one key stands with another in a melancholic melody of endless certainty that we are devoid to the reasoning that..
Reading tea leaves of fantasy, is it a sunrise or a sunset, can you tell the difference between the two? Is it an end or a beginning? What do you see ..
Speaking in terms of value with this golden skinned boy in his hearts breath, speaking of your eyes in their mixed light in the night with every spark..
A new dawn approaches in warm golden brown reflections as the stars that once held the sky aloft die in mid-trance, the subtle horizons awake and aliv..
Brandishing a sword of a thousand lives that we have lived...To be lost between the sun and the moonlight as an everlasting sunset that falters agains..
Time stood on its hind legs and tore through the pages of my life in its varying shades of eyes held yours for just a moment and everything ..