Saerdes Rae : Writing

I Want to Try Something (prompt 7)

I Want to Try Something (prompt 7)

A Story by Saerdes Rae

A story for a contest, but also a story that I wrote to help someone very close to me accurately explain to her therapist how she's feeling because sh..
Time to Go

Time to Go

A Poem by Saerdes Rae

I found this poem that my friend wrote, and it really spoke to me, so I thought I'd share it.
Brown Eyes Seeking You

Brown Eyes Seeking You

A Poem by Saerdes Rae

This is actually something I wrote for a friend. It's completely based on her ideas, thoughts, and broken heart.
Just One (More) Night

Just One (More) Night

A Story by Saerdes Rae

a sister's account of her brother's night
The Cut

The Cut

A Story by Saerdes Rae

This is just a little, two-sentence thing that I wrote for a contest. If you're one of those easily offended people, please don't read this.


A Poem by Saerdes Rae

This is just a short senryu I wrote about five minutes ago sitting in my free period. It's nothing special. It just popped into my head.
Kuchisake Onna

Kuchisake Onna

A Story by Saerdes Rae

Year: 2617 I shouldn't have been surprised in the world we live in. It shouldn't have scared me so much, either. Wraiths hang out above my house and ..
Murdered Dream

Murdered Dream

A Poem by Saerdes Rae

This is just a poem that I put together for a project in my American Literature class. I re-wrote the sixth chapter of Of Mice and Men by John Steinbe..
A Simple Valediction

A Simple Valediction

A Poem by Saerdes Rae

A poem that is... just a simple valediction...
The Lonely Bird

The Lonely Bird

A Poem by Saerdes Rae

Just a Haiku I wrote when I was 13-ish...

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