Lanky : Writing



A Poem by Lanky

I use the metaphor of sailing, check it out
Everything or nothing (the decisions we make)

Everything or nothing (the decisions we make)

A Story by Lanky

Greg ate silently and stared deep into Elizabeth’s beautiful and loving eyes. Today they were the color of warm dulce du leche and flecked wit..
a night goes by

a night goes by

A Poem by Lanky

just randomness inspired by the night
the two portals

the two portals

A Poem by Lanky

read it, its a reflection of some very personal feelings that i've finally overcome
A love story unfolds

A love story unfolds

A Poem by Lanky

its a little long but each word in every line is true.
That phone call

That phone call

A Poem by Lanky

This is a poem about watching a friend suffer at the hands of someone who she loved... someone who only wanted her body, and my idiotic cowardice.


A Poem by Lanky

the evil entity that is self doubt inspired this poem
Your hurtful game

Your hurtful game

A Poem by Lanky

A poem to an exgirlfriend... the kind that made me promise not to seek the girl i now love
last nights dance

last nights dance

A Poem by Lanky

A poem inspired by waking up next to that perfect person after the perfect night
Life changing

Life changing

A Poem by Lanky

this is an experiment with style, and a thank you to a good friend