


Been a while, but I'm back with a vengeance (and a new pen).

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About Me

Lane-roe is a young girl who enjoys writing about herself in third person, reading harry potter and watching too much reality television. She also enjoys playing piano and occassionally, knitting. But don't be fooled, she has seen the sun before! She enjoys long walks on the beach, getting caught in the rain and of course, dancing to Lady Gaga with the door shut, blinds down and lights off.

She would love to hear from other writers and enjoys reading other people's work immensely-although it does leave her feeling a bit disheartened when she looks at her own silly poems. If you can bear seeing her name pop up on your news feed, then by all means feel free to befriend the strange little creature that is lane-roe, as she will most gladly accept you with open arms.


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Posted 12 Years Ago

Peek E Boo