Do me a favor andstop doing me favors.Pity has never beenpart of my vocabulary.
Be nice... Be kind... be caring...But what happenedto being real?If I showed you the monsterbehind the mask,would you run?Or would you inviteyou monst..
We give away portions of ourselves.Scatter our pieces amongeach person,place, and thingwe have loved. At the end of it allwe are left with thiskaleido..
I named himComparisonbecause he knew just the wayto steal allmy joy.
I've been training myselfto forget you,to excise every piece of youfrom my heartand mind. It promises to be ugly,but no transformation ever camewithou..
Yes, it hurts.Plain and simple.For one who madesuch a grand gesture oftheir love,you chose quite a wayto tuck tailand run.
She's had this conversationso many times and inso many different waysthat the words are starting to get lostin each other,her meaning striated by all ..
She collects loverslike precious gems.Keeps them each in their ownvelvet-lined sectionof her heart.But she's been working ona method of combination to..
Some people sayI chase heartbreak.But in my experience,a happy endingnever made for an interesting story.
"Tu me manques."You said it meant:"You are missing from me."But you're not.You're in the ever-same corner of my cold heart,pressing against the slope ..