We will always be alittle death,swooping down to pluck upwhat remains, what everythingleaves behind.We are the purveyors ofhuman appetites, immoral an..
Your secrets bloomed on the page,and held me captive.I could not look away, could not stopdevouring youword by word, admission by admission.The syllab..
I left the frosty New York skylineon crystalline mornings. I couldn't handle the clarity,didn't want it.I knew there was no place for me:enmeshed in s..
We trashed the place. Broken bottlesand tattered curtains.Down feathers trapped in my ratted hair.Who knew the s**t-hole could splurgeon real pillows,..
I have had time anddistanceto consider all of this.Separation has allowed me to becomecold andanalyticalabout this tear in the fabric.And I,bitter as ..
I've been sick and sad for far too longover an uncertainty. Unfortunately I've not yetlearned how to tamp down the inexplicable urgeto second-guess an..
Yes,I loved you with everythingI had.But,there came a point when Irealizedthat love would have been better spenton myself.
OUr lives all come togetherin circles.Some, small as the spiral shellof a child's ear.Some, decades in diameter.Some, thin - imperceptibleas a trip wi..
We are the Wanderers.Nomads of an urban wasteland,where the artificial reigns supreme.We can't travel on their highwaysand by-ways, for we are not of ..
I stare into my lap when I'm in a crowded room.I create elaborate fantasies of loversand friendswho would never turn their backs on me. I whisper to t..