inspired by the many Turns i have taken in my life wether good or bad, I made the choices; I lived and I learned and I have come to understand within ..
" solely Inspired by Those who have touched me greatly, Seeming harmless yet, harmless in every way; May the very gifts He bestowed in me be blessed t..
" This poem is inspired by the thoughts of Passion, what a Rose symbolizes.. and how delicate it is..
and how it relates primarily to the death of a..
" Transition is a time change of moving from one point to another; and from the Movement and passages of time during the seasonal changes. "
Sometimes the most profound things will inspire a writer... those things may or maynot be explained but the words will flow like the waters along the ..
" inspired by the Many times my heart has been Broken...."
Inspired by a Movie and a Freind who Recently Hurt Me, through Her tangled web of lies and Deceit..
I always said.. Karma will get you back .. Well ..
" the lonely cold nights, becomes weary for the One who seeks a companion.. the days grow long, the nights longer.. " still I will be standing alone..
" A tale of How lies add up to Make life miserable " yes I called it Here today , gone tommorrow..
What is the world coming to?
" The inspiration of the thought comes from a long day at work, but a short night, because time flies." I am not really sure what to title it but it c..