My name is Lucie Elizabeth Ann Wesson. I am 56 years old white female. I was born Lucie Annalen Wesson but I changed my name on my confirmation day April 6, 1996 to Lucie Elizabeth Ann Wesson when I enter the Christian-Catholic Church in Chicago, IL. I come from a family of six children, my oldest brother and sister have already died and my older brother and youngest sister and brother are still alive. I have lived in Alabama, Brazil, Virginia, Maryland, Tennessee, Rhodesia, and Southern Africa. I have been writing for 38 years old since I was in the eighth grade and my first published piece was in a Star Trek Fanzine in 11th grade about the late Gene Roddenberry.
I love classical to 1989 music, my favorite authors are; Robin Cook, Stephen King, Maureen Peters, Jean Plaidy, and Margaret Campbell Barnes and Norah Lofts.
I was just looking at your contest and noticed that you included poetry as a possible submission in the description; however in the rules, you have eliminated poetry and only allow for Fiction, Historical Fiction and Nonfiction. BTW, this will also eliminate Short Stories and Chapters. I was hoping to enter your contest, but nothing I have fits.
Well who ever it is try to get them some help. My daughter is one of those people that are is sadistic-masochist and she deliberately hurts herself to feel pain and suffering. I have tried to help her but her adoptive parents are doing nothing to stop it. Lucie