Gone...Tis' only sadnesswhich flows...Heavily,Weighted upon my heart,Memories vivid within my mind.Time spent with you so long ago,Treasured Now,Wishi..
To My Darling Steven (~Liebling~) oxMy Knight in Shining Armor from so long ago...Way Back Then and Now Also...My Lover and My Best Fr..
Although disposition is indeed happy
An unbidden pensive adagio ...exists
Which upon deeper reflection
should not be...
Yet it does and ca..
An Image viewed and interpreted with an overwhelming sense of Awe...
Sexual Content but written with honesty from both the Man and Woman Perspective...
Title may change*During process of writing about the time of light and the merging of mankind...The interraction between the two...A Romantic~Time Tra..
It was time to reunite two souls …
{Originating from the time oflight}
Although meeting was random, fate had placed the two of them t..
Shage (The one who touches softly and multiplying much), had looked everywhere, he was no where to be found so far. She listened for Hobah,(The one w..
Hobah, traveled quickly from earth back to the time of light, the place where his dear friend Shage waited anxiously. He did indeed have news and wan..
Shage heard the humming from a distance and smiled excitedly. Hobah. Here at last. She let him in… she watched as he quickly approached her...