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About Me

A. is for Awesome. :)- "Easy A"

"The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, and to reach out eagerly and without fear for richer and newer experience." ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

"To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting". ~e.e. cummings

I'm Alayna-Renee, a writer, artist and performer currently living in Atlanta, which means I'm a round blue peg in a square red box. I'm also the most likeable narcissist you'll ever meet. ;) I am outgoing, creative,free-spirited,sensitive, and a bit outrageous at times. I'm a fairly sweet girl with an edgy,rebellious side; I don't judge anyone, but I also play only by my own rules. :P I believe in appreciating everything beautiful in the world, and seeing and experiencing as much of life as is possible. I've travelled a good deal, but there are still so many things left I've yet to see or experience! I'm a jaded romantic, and have a wild streak a few miles long running through my personality. My life hasn't always been a conventional one, so if that's bothersome to you, we might have some friendship-related difficulties. ;P

For those of you who are into such things, I'm an ENFP. My Enneagram says I'm a Seven. I've been told I'm more liberal than most people. I'm definitely more spontaneous. I'm flirtatious and self-indulgent. I sometimes shock people without meaning to. I talk way too much, but I can also be a good listener. I believe that being straightforward and true to yourself is the best way to be. It's more important to me to be authentic than liked, but hopefully, a girl can have both. I've been told I'm "snarky", but I prefer "sarcasm-friendly". I follow my heart much more than I do my sense of logic. I believe in soulmates, and, yes, I believe we each have more than one. I'm a recovering vegetarian. I love glitter, chocolate, and martinis. Reality TV and crime dramas are my guilty pleasures. Emotional exhibitionist that I am,I've kept a weblog for the past 11 years that I share way too much of myself and my life on....I'm really a geek at heart.;) I aspire to one day write the great American novel, but am really only good at writing about myself. I run a social group here in Atlanta, and try to meet as many people as possible. I have a large mass of acquaintances and a small circle of friends; it's up to you to decide which you'd like to belong to. :)

I like to meet people of all sorts, but especially those who are unique, individualistic,creative,intelligent,and not afraid to play by their own rules....or at least break some of the pre-existing ones. ;) I gravitate towards people who are somewhat "different", and confident enough to just be themselves. I'm looking for those who inspire my interest with their originality,uniqueness,and candour. :) If you intrigue me, I like you, and that's that.


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Posted 12 Years Ago

It is when we Live with a Sense of Wonder and Hope that we Grow and Evolve. The Dignity of Human Life makes us True Spiritual Warriors on a Quest for Greater Purpose and Profound Change. Embrace Life Fully by Immersing yourself in Nurturing Activities and Soul Changing Lessons of Love. Magick happens to those who Live their Love and Love their Life.

Micheal Teal / The Ancient One