About Me
Hi!!! I'm an fun-loving 23-year-old woman who's Texas-born and Texas-bred. I love this state and couldn't imagine being anywhere else. I love anything and everything country. Life has been neither simple nor harsh for me... I've had hard times like everyone, and a lot of good times. I enjoy writing, and have been doing it since I was about 9 years old. I owe a lot of it to my Grandpa! He was always there to encourage me and critique my work. He used to tell me that no one should ever tell me what to write, to just write what I felt and whatever came to me. He pushed me to keep on even when I got stuck, or felt there was nothing to write, or when someone hated something I wrote. I love him so much, and I really miss him. He died Father's Day of 2004, and soon, I'm going to post my Eulogy that I wrote for his funeral.