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Names Lacey Leanne... My nick name is Sniffles... lol jk!
♥ Feel free to add me! I'm a bubbly kinda of person unless you corss me or I'm just being a psycho b***h!
I have another account on here with my stories! I'm using this one just for my poems so if you like my poems please check out my story site!
♥ Add me both places if you would like! This one will only be updated and checked when I write a new poem! With my life I maybe on 2 or 3 days in a row or in 2 or 3 weeks!
♥ My poems are my emotions... I'm emotional unstable... get over it... more then once I have I wanted to commit suicide and more then once I have tried! So please be kind when read these!
♥ I have 70 poems and 3 stories on this site! this is all I have written at the moment! More will be added when I write them and this will be updated!
♥ I also suck at writting so please ignore mistakes! I also no hate mail or bad reviews you will be blocked! if you dont like me block me please! i hate poeple who are mean and dont corss me i can be a real f*****g b***h!
♥ Thanks have a blessed day!
Lacey Leanne