Labella : Writing

Love in my sangria

Love in my sangria

A Story by Labella

I wrinkle my nose and my mouth quivers, pushing my sangria aside after the first sip. It tastes like dirty socks laced with red wine.I am passionate a..
Dizzy from my own touch

Dizzy from my own touch

A Story by Labella

I pull the blinds down, the moonlight peeking through to get a glimpse of me. I’m in a bra and panties, not my usual underwire and high-waisted ..
The smell of panic

The smell of panic

A Story by Labella

Darlene steps out into the sun for the first time in months, pulling crisp air into her lungs.The smell of the sun beating on tar under her feet sends..
Phone buzzing in a nightstand

Phone buzzing in a nightstand

A Poem by Labella

The hum of the heater circulating. Jingle of keys, door closed softly. A man whispers Darlene’s name. 11pm newscaster’s voice cut off by c..
Alone in the corner

Alone in the corner

A Poem by Labella

A stale, half-eaten burrito on the desk. Yellow sticky-notes scattered around his laptop and on the screen that sayFirst issue goes out on Tuesday. Ha..
Bite-sized poems or prompts?

Bite-sized poems or prompts?

A Poem by Labella

Here are some scraps from what was an insanely imagery dense poem. Either enjoy or use any of them as prompts if they inspire you. ✨I’m a..
A Woman Writes

A Woman Writes

A Story by Labella

She digs into her chest until her fingers bleed. No matter how many pages she writes or how deep she digs, she never gets to the root of all she holds..