.:kylen :.

.:kylen :.


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Stratford, CT
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About Me

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

I�m a sometimes existentialist and an often hedonist. I stay up nights and smoke and read Kierkegaard and Nietzsche on my roof. I am loud and I am steady. I am playful and I am reserved. I remain consistent in my inconsistencies, but I am the most reliable and understanding person you may ever encounter. I am rarely scared, but often worried or anxious, but I take these things and work through them, my most creative energy is nervous energy. I am fiercely protective of my friends and those that I love. I am devoted and dedicated and I see everything that I start either to the end or as far as I can possibly take it. I am personable and friendly, I make people feel comfortable, I listen and observe.
I am entirely self aware, self confident, self reliant, and yet sometimes, a little too self-conscious a little too critical. And then yet, sometimes I am so bold I shock myself. I�m a little too hard on myself, but I only use this to push me further ahead. I give every one a chance, often more than one, but I barely give myself one.

I offer advice, I help solve problems, and I make things happen.

My heart is just made out of stones to be thrown.
What is your heart made of?


[send message]

Posted 18 Years Ago

Hmm... I know that sometimes, to get mine to change, I have to press F5... I don't know if that'll do anything, though, if you're having trouble uploading one at all. If it comes down to it, send a message to Charles Konsor. This is his site. He's pretty cool.

[send message]

Posted 18 Years Ago

While you're under your normal profile screen, look up at the strip under the tabs. There should be a spot that says "My Photos." You ought to be able to upload straight from your computer from there.

I'm glad you're here! :)