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Lisboa, Portugal
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About Me

My name is Kristina, I am a 24-year-old, originally Danish, university graduate and writer for London-based ROOMS Magazine: arts uncovered. I am currently based in Lisbon and London.

I graduated from university in London this summer and a keen writer and with a great interest in "people-culture", I looked around for people, who inspire and provoke in equal measure; those, who are pushing back on the boundaries of artistry, of creativity, in order to share with us their vision and their passion. After joining the editorial team at ROOMS as an intern, I met some amazing people, who really put themselves out there, to give the rest of us something to think about. The experience encouraged me to follow a creative/literary path (rather than the corporate one I was heading down) and its been the best decision of my life.

I have really been encouraged to write and perhaps to follow that dream of somehow being more than just a "hobby writer".

Now I'm really keen to publish a few things and get some feedback - every bit of advice, critique and encouragement is very welcome!:)

My writing is all very spontaneous - I get an idea, or feel a certain mood, and I write fast, without hesitation or much editing, just trying to recreate the atmosphere, without thinking too much about composition and editing. So, it's a little rough but hopefully quite genuine and not over-done. That's the idea at least :)