Kristen Rohde : Writing

The "One Thing A Day" Challenge

The "One Thing A Day" Challenge

A Story by Kristen Rohde

Olivia Lopez is bound by crippling anxiety and a nasty inferiority complex and one day vows never to leave her house for anything. Ever again. Until s..
Prologue - Dear Daniel...

Prologue - Dear Daniel...

A Chapter by Kristen Rohde

The first of the four young women, Adrienne, is bound by her husband's unlawful expectations and her overwhelming self-doubt.
Prologue - Dear Sonja...

Prologue - Dear Sonja...

A Chapter by Kristen Rohde

The second young woman, Natalie, is suffering under pressure from her resentful boss. All she wants is to be appreciated yet she's constantly left fee..
Prologue - Dear God...

Prologue - Dear God...

A Chapter by Kristen Rohde

The third young woman, Darcy, is fighting a continuous battle with the entity she wants to believe is God, and to release herself from the expectation..
Prologue - Dear Mum...

Prologue - Dear Mum...

A Chapter by Kristen Rohde

The fourth young woman, April, is a chronic book lover, clever as Einstein, teenage recluse, and impressionable as hell; qualities her mother does not..
Chapter One - Adrienne

Chapter One - Adrienne

A Chapter by Kristen Rohde

"If you get trapped in the idea that what is most important is what image of yourself you're giving to the world, you're on a dangerous path." - Jeann..
Chapter Two - Natalie

Chapter Two - Natalie

A Chapter by Kristen Rohde

"Fear makes us feel our humanity." - Benjamin Disraeli
Chapter Three - Darcy

Chapter Three - Darcy

A Chapter by Kristen Rohde

“God doesn't require us to succeed, he only requires that you try.” - Mother Teresa
Chapter Four - April

Chapter Four - April

A Chapter by Kristen Rohde

“A room without books is like a body without a soul.” - Marcus Tullius Cicero
Chapter Five - Adrienne

Chapter Five - Adrienne

A Chapter by Kristen Rohde

“Nobody ever gets what they want when it comes to love.” - Scott Turow