Krishna : Writing

How My Love Belongs

How My Love Belongs

A Poem by Krishna

To write about love, is an exercise of remembering the beauty of our everyday life.
The Flight of Energy

The Flight of Energy

A Poem by Krishna

They say that every 13 days (Earth-time) a new species arises to 'sentience' in our galaxy. What does this mean to young child-like humanity?
The Scarcity of Us

The Scarcity of Us

A Poem by Krishna

The future is inevitable and the information age leads to the mecca age, any science fiction buff, understands the ethical dangers of a technological ..
The Zen Initiate

The Zen Initiate

A Poem by Krishna

Stripping ourselves bare, the cosmos demands us to unlearn what we think we know, and witness love, in what is.
The Psychology of Being

The Psychology of Being

A Poem by Krishna

It takes a student of themselves, to write about universal themes of the species; without psychology, we are machines prtending to be alive.
The Limitation of Being an Ego

The Limitation of Being an Ego

A Poem by Krishna

Western civlization is the indoctrination of individuality, ego and separtness from nature.
Ruminations of a Listener

Ruminations of a Listener

A Poem by Krishna

We all need somebody to cry with, somebody who actually listens! Hold that thought, how many times have I listened?


A Poem by Krishna

They say that intimacy is the recipe for breaking up, but what they don't tell you is, the heart-ache is inevitable.
A Woman's  World

A Woman\'s World

A Poem by Krishna

It is not that tears are essential for understanding, but they help.
Exploits of Humanity

Exploits of Humanity

A Poem by Krishna

I was never one to believe in the environment, until we lost her.