Xerclipse : Writing

Laws for Acrisius

Laws for Acrisius

A Chapter by Xerclipse

Standard rules that you must follow if you are a subordinate for Acrisius
Episode 1 Intro: Life of a Hangman

Episode 1 Intro: Life of a Hangman

A Chapter by Xerclipse

Logun was a homeless boy who wandered into the city of Acrisius. Proceed to learn more about the city.
Episode 1A: Life of a Hangman

Episode 1A: Life of a Hangman

A Chapter by Xerclipse

After fourteen years, Logun has grown up as a hangman. We will see what Acrisius has to offer.
Episode 1B: Life of a Hangman

Episode 1B: Life of a Hangman

A Chapter by Xerclipse

Logun has boarded a train like has always but experiences several circumstances. What lies behind hangmen and the chocolate?
Episode 2 Intro: Truth Be Told

Episode 2 Intro: Truth Be Told

A Chapter by Xerclipse

In this next episode following the first, Logun must be called to save the new station from this group along with Crimson. Will they succeed?
Episode 2A: Truth Be Told

Episode 2A: Truth Be Told

A Chapter by Xerclipse

Action warning. The Ascension has come to introduce themselves. How would Acrisius and Carnegie react to the introduction? Proceed if you may wish to ..
Episode 2B: Truth Be Told

Episode 2B: Truth Be Told

A Chapter by Xerclipse

What happens after the message the ascension have sent? Will anyone be able to uncover the mysteries of the city and Acrisius? Find out
Episode 3 Intro: His Apprentice Hunts

Episode 3 Intro: His Apprentice Hunts

A Chapter by Xerclipse

The day has passed and Dick Bobber brings out his report on the news about the night before. What does he have to say?
Episode 3A: His Apprentice Hunts

Episode 3A: His Apprentice Hunts

A Chapter by Xerclipse

Now we have got into Ryan's first hunting. Will this be an exciting adventure for him?
Episode 3B: His Apprentice Hunts

Episode 3B: His Apprentice Hunts

A Chapter by Xerclipse

Ryan has been severly injured and must be treated. However Logun has an "appointment".