Amanda Crandall

Amanda Crandall


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Phoenix, AZ
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About Me

Hello my name is Amanda and I am an english/creative writing major at ASU.

I do not think good writing is a pure organic ejaculation of spirit; nor do I think it is an exacting formula that can be applied provided you know the steps. It is a balance between the two.

If I dislike a poem I will not comment on it.

If I like a poem I will offer what I think is stong and what I think is not. If you have been offended by me i offer my condolences, but not my apologies.

I haven't been around in awhile and have a few old friends who may want to know this. The rest of you don't need to bother since the following has nothing to do with who I am.

Two days before Halloween I went into the hospital because I had such abdominal pain I couldn't stand up. To make a long story short I had a 9cm tumor on the tail of my pancreas.

I have been diagnosed with a psuedopapillary tumor. Very very rare and very survivable, but cancer nonetheless. The next few months will be spent determining whether or not I need Chemo.

My work has cut me hours and this has been an intense financial blow, but I have maintained my school and I am starting to really get back to 100%. In sum they removed a tumor, my spleen, and half my pancreas.

The good news is the worst is over. I have had friends here and I want them to know that I am all right.


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Posted 14 Years Ago

Hello, I'm sorry I did not read your page earlier. I don't spent much time on here as I used to but that is no excuse. I am sorry to hear about what you are going through. My thoughts are with you. Hugs!!!

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Amanda, i am sorry to read the above! How are you?
I miss your stories.. hope you are better and back soon.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Take a Shamanic Journey to that place of Love which lies within. To live a Happy and Passionate Life we must Inspire our Hearts by Embracing the Essence of Being Alive and Creating Profound Possibilities where Joy is the answer to every question. We are at our core Beings of Light and Heart Nourishing Beauty. Express your Divinity and manifest a Destiny of Love, Peace and Harmony.

Micheal Teal

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Posted 14 Years Ago

yeah-i don't usually use any punctuation-but
when i mess around with Stream Of Consciousness poems-
i really appreciate the feedback--it really helps...:-)

much thanx for the review:-)


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Posted 15 Years Ago

I pop in now and again to check things out. How are you

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Posted 15 Years Ago

What's up girl? Haven't heard from you in forever. I'm coming up to Phoenix next month around the 18th I think. You a fan of Henry Rollins?

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Amanda i have been a stranger! I remember how much i enjoyed your writing ,, will be back around.. hope things are good!

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Posted 15 Years Ago

I'm an hour and a half away in Tucson.

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Posted 15 Years Ago

No way. Are you following me? Where at in AZ?

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Posted 15 Years Ago

That explains the hiatus in writing and communication. Where are you now?