


It's been far too long since I've picked up on my writing, but no time like the present

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About Me

Hey! For those who don't know me, my name is Kimberly but everyone calls me Kim. I have been writing since ninth grade English and have learned to love other people's opinions on my work. I took a year of college right after high school and guess it wasn't my thing. I would love to get my work published someday and make a name of myself, may not be likely but everyone's got to dream right?! I would love to hear what you have to say of my work and you can always send me read requests, don't know how fast I will get through them all. If you would like to know more about me all you need to do is send me a message and I would love to talk to you!

Catalog Poem

Example: from the book Early Moon by Carl Sandburg

Early May, after cold rain the sun baffling cold wind,
Irish setter pup find a corner near the cellar door, all
sun and no wind,
Cuddling there he crosses forepaws and lays his skull
Sideways on this pillow, dozing in half-sleep,
Browns of hazel nut, mahogany, rosewood, played off
against each other on his paws and head.

Poem by me called Skiing

Putting on the skies
walking to the hill
Gently pushing off
and down the hill you go
moving left and right going faster
every time and when you come to the
end of the hill you stop on a dime.


Examples from the book Mood Of Earth by Ann Atwood

1) Through the dripping branches
the woods and I are one
in the eyes of the rain

2) Summer in Eden
still hushed and hidden
Guarded by the flaming sword

3) This empty mountain!
the thinning trail you travel
is raveled in mist

Haiku poems written by me about nature

1) Snow is falling down
children running all around
laughing and playing

2) Flowers blooming more
Every day more show up
Must be some ones luck?

3) Mountains are taller
But clouds are higher up there
But so is the sun

4) Rivers flowing fast
Splashing making noise real loud
Current pushing fish

5) Creeping crawling spider
Crawling up your sleeve don’t scream
I will flick it off

6) A cat ate a rat,
A bat, a mouse and a bird
Then ate nothing else

Free verse poem

Example: from the book Wind Song by Carl Sandburg

Two bubbles found they had rainbows on their curves.
They flickered out saying:
“ It was worth being a bubble just to have held that
rainbow thirty seconds.”

Poem by me called Dragon’s Breathe

Summer, winter, spring, and fall
Came out of the dragon like hail

The fire burns for years and years

The ice suffocates the fire

The breathe nice and warm it makes me
Think of spring

The breathe soon turns cold as snow
Like a winter storm

The more the dragon breathes the
Harder it is to see the day

Rhyme Scheme poem

Example: from the book Where the Side Walk Ends by Shel Silverstien

This started out as a
Jumping rope
You prob’ly think that
I’m a dope
But this started out as a
Jumping rope
And now I fear there is
No hope
But this started out as a
Jumping rope.

Rhyme Scheme poem by me called Winter Chill

Winter chill in the air
Snow on the ground
Children playing without a care
Barely any sound
Tree branches overflowing
What a pretty sight
The snow is not slowing
Late birds take their flight

The winter storm has been formed
Ice skating on the pond
People go places in swarms to keep warm
A deer hiding with it’s fawn

Some one got his snow mobile stuck
Lets help him get out
He had some bad luck
Hopefully he wont shout.

Shape poems

The stairs go up
Or down which
Can take you
Any where you want
Just find out where
That takes you.

Six word poems

1) See the deer; pull the trigger…Boom!

2) slippery roads, car crash, traffic jam.

3) some one must have eaten it, yep.

4) Who did it? Not me; you ?

Table of Contents

Catalog poem…………………………………………………………......1
A poem that a list

Haiku poem……………………………………………………………….2
Japanese poetry about nature with the line order 5, 7, 5.

Free verse poem…………………………………………………………...3
A poem that doesn’t have to rhyme some times uses simile, metaphors, and
extended images

Rhyme Scheme poem…………………………………………………......4
In this kind of poetry every other line rhymes with each other.

Shape poem……………………………………………………………….5
Shape poems are shaped like the subject in that poem.

Six word poem……………………………………………………………6
These poems are short that only have six words.


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Posted 10 Years Ago

The moment when the one person you have been wanting to talk to does, makes life feel so much better again

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Posted 10 Years Ago

Send me a few RR's, friend! Aha, I'll get to them later cx

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Posted 10 Years Ago

And I welcome you back fondly! Have you any new pieces?

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Posted 10 Years Ago

I could say the same, aha.

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Posted 10 Years Ago

All is certainly well, I suppose, and I do so much miss speaking with you as well, Kim, aha. How goes things?

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Posted 11 Years Ago

Diddo. Srry I've been kinda busy too. But miss you too

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Posted 11 Years Ago

So, what's new???

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Posted 11 Years Ago

It goes good, friend! :D How are you?

[send message]

Posted 11 Years Ago

You better not, else I'll pester you with more of my heinous comments ;b

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Posted 11 Years Ago

I believe you'd certainly make a fine journalist, haha. Good luck to you~