Evelyn V James

Evelyn V James


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About Me

Hello ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this silly explanatory paragraph about myself. I think to begin with, the usual procedure of introducing oneself could be to tell my name, but I'm afraid I won't do that. I could tell you my age, but that would be pointless too.

The more important thing that I have picked upon is that I do like to write poetry although somewhat badly, and I take an interest in what others have written too. One small problem I have is that I like to write in an odd way that may not completely tell what is going on in my choice of words... but I am a firm believer in explaining poetry I have written as little as possible since I think one of the beautiful aspects of it is that every reader can have a different interpretation without being spoon fed the minute details (a small hint is place here that I like to hear of these different interpretations =3 ).
I must also admit I am a poor reviewer; I do like the work of other writers but I lack the words to really say anything important on the pieces I like the most. Usually it is just fine without me saying words to the effect of "I like it". On the other hand, I will try to make an effort because I acknowledge (from experience and general common sense) that it is wonderful when people give feedback on the very things you are proud enough to show to the world on a website. And that is why I am here.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

You appear to be a real fox, Evelyn. :-)

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Oh, and welcome to The Cafe. Yer gonna love it heah. LOL.

Hawksmoor...From The Bleed.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thanks for the review, Eve. Can I call ya Eve? LOL. Aa soon as I get off work, I'm gonna be reading yer work. Look for my words on yer work tonight. Thanks again.

Hawksmoor..From The Bleed.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Welcome to the site!
