One night, as I laid in bed, holding the most beautiful girl in the world in my arms, I thought'What did I do to deserve this?' The next night, I was ..
Just writing down thoughts here.
My name is Bob, Bob Sandron, or as my coworkers call me: Bobby the clown. That's right, I am a clown. I get paid to humiliate, embarrass, and hurt mys..
A story about little Suzy and Tommy.
Warren.The forest was dark, soft moaning of zombies could be heard. Warren was running, behind him was a group of men and women with flashlights. 'GET..
ColeCrazy Dave's house was in the middle of the city, and his bunker was underground. Dave blocked off the roads that lead to his house with wood or w..
ColeThe cars stopped on a small bridge, he saw Warren go out of the car, so he stepped out as well. 'This is the place?' he asked. 'Yup, used to be a ..
Warren´You want to look for bedding areas, that´s where you´re most likely to find a deer.´ Warren was teaching the others abo..
ColeCole sat on the ground, away from most of the group. He was looking through the weapons, it helped to keep him from getting bored. Charlie didn't ..
CharlieSteve and Sandy finally came down, the rest of the group was already present. 'Alright listen up everyone, we have a few tasks to do. Steve and..