About MeWhat is there to say?
mmm... for one, I am super careful about what I say and do, so my response time is often very slow. sorry. next... ah, let's see. trivial matters. I am a hopeless romantic. I love mermaids. (bonus points to anyone who can guess my profile pic!) I also like the Nutcracker ballet, but I'm super picky about how it's done. I like acting and drawing and I am incapable of most mathematical equations. I really like learning the meaning of foreign words and names. Did you know Kira is a Persian name, and it means "sun"? So pretty, don't you think? ah, yes, I am also a Latin student. (as in, "Et tu, Brute?") oh, and I am very sarcastic, excuse me. hm... well, I think that is all I shall say for the moment. enjoy! |