Snitified : Writing

Every Bullet Is Red

Every Bullet Is Red

A Poem by Snitified

Political Anger On Paper
Mist Of War

Mist Of War

A Story by Snitified

This is a storyline surrounding a game design that I have been working on. It is also setup to be a card game and a phone application that works the s..
Wizards and Wands

Wizards and Wands

A Story by Snitified

A conversation between a wizard and a boy.
Merlin's Last

Merlin's Last

A Story by Snitified

Sometimes there are choices that must be made in a moments notice that are simply too difficult to fully grasp. Those moments are too big for any man,..


A Story by Snitified

A very vivid dream I had on 12-17-12


A Chapter by Snitified

Life as seen through the eyes of any one man is short, it is hard and most importantly it is vivid. Through the eyes of time itself you would im..
Chapter One: A Shadow Rising

Chapter One: A Shadow Rising

A Chapter by Snitified

"This war is for fools, but since you fools have taken everything from me the least I can do is return the favor."
A Shadow Rising(continued)

A Shadow Rising(continued)

A Chapter by Snitified

The ending of chapter one "A Shadow Rising"
A Shadow at sunset

A Shadow at sunset

A Book by Snitified

Two men who are connected by blood and seperated by a thousand years. A man with the gift of sight searches for inspiration and a man whose home lays ..
The Legend of Arrin

The Legend of Arrin

A Story by Snitified

This is a bit that I wrote for an ending to my series about Arrin, a gladiator who is trying to find a way back to his family through a war torn count..

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