Kim Roach

Kim Roach


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Plumas Lake, CA
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About Me

I've been writing for about a year and a half now. I'm a stay at home mom, so when I am not busy with those responsibilities, I write. I currently live in Plumas Lake, California, which is thirty miles north of Sacramento and in the middle of nowhere. I actually have to drive ten miles to get to the closest grocery store. I thought I would hate it, since I'm more of a city girl, but I actually don't mind it too much here. I'm originally from Riverside, California. For those who do not know the area, it is forty miles east of L.A. and is part of what is called the Inland Empire, or as the locals like to call it; Smog Capital USA, or the 951.

I've written four novels since I started writing. The first was horrific. I will never go back and rewrite it. That is how bad it is. The other three are in a series centered on two characters, who are meta-mystics. (People with magical powers.) I just finished the rewrite of True Light, which is the first installment. It needed it badly, since I wrote it before I started paying attention to grammar and punctuation. I added in some subplots along the way and I think the latest version is significantly better than the original. The second book in the series, Bring Me to Life, is completed and edited to the best of my abilities. The third, The Rose and the Rock, is in draft form still and in need of some revising of plot lines and development of new characters, but that is the project I will work on after doing some editing and taking a closer look at True Light.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

You have been quite lately. How's life?

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Posted 17 Years Ago

You have been quite lately. How's life?

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Posted 17 Years Ago

So with the new review system do I review where I left off (chapter 3 and 4) or do I review the one you are featuring?

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Wow! Four novels in a year and a half. That's awesome! Bet you're improving in leaps and bounds.

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Posted 18 Years Ago

It's so much more friendly with two.

- Winnie the Pooh