Khitii Lae-Ahn : Writing

~Throw Away Puppet~

~Throw Away Puppet~

A Poem by Khitii Lae-Ahn

made of sticks&stonesand broken bones...mended stringsand needless things...but her heart beat true and strong~she was lifted high on gossamer win..
~Surrogate Dolls~

~Surrogate Dolls~

A Poem by Khitii Lae-Ahn

whips & chains...ropes, gag ballshang 'em high... poor rag dollsslice 'em deep... tear it out... make them beg/ moan/ cry/ scream/ shoutstu..
~On Three~

~On Three~

A Poem by Khitii Lae-Ahn

one . two . . three . . . Deep breath one . two . . three . . . Brief pause one . two . . three . . . Quick slice ..
~Solitary Confinement~

~Solitary Confinement~

A Poem by Khitii Lae-Ahn

3 days, 17 hours, 48 minutes, 12/13/14/15 seconds~endless counting~tick.tick..tick...Tock!the ticking of the clockknaws at overworked nervesand the sh..
~Poolside...ignore the sign~

~Poolside...ignore the sign~

A Poem by Khitii Lae-Ahn

the sun ripples across the crisp clear water... children laugh and scream and dream of submarines...t he scent of chlorine wafts through the..
~Seduction by Dessert~

~Seduction by Dessert~

A Poem by Khitii Lae-Ahn

the icy cool tinglesends chills down spine...shivering, quiveringseduction divine...liquid blisshungry lips grow wet...and every drop isMine!
~If Only~

~If Only~

A Poem by Khitii Lae-Ahn

...If Only... i wish i was ableto cross land and sea with only the thought of youto offer warm embracepassionate kissbreath on neck and ear and lip..


A Poem by Khitii Lae-Ahn

the sun is gonethe moon has setand the stars are flickering awaylike tiny candle flamesdancingin a nearly midnight skyliquid heat pours from the fauce..
~My Friend~

~My Friend~

A Poem by Khitii Lae-Ahn

tonight i'll weep weep until my friend is nothing more than a stain of crimson tears... my satin friend that bears my pain and holds my h..
~Of Avarice & Envy~

~Of Avarice & Envy~

A Poem by Khitii Lae-Ahn

jade eyed and jadedshallow/callow/corruptthey...wanderlike vainglorious vagabondsthese...embittered, spiteful, spurious spritesdiscontented with the l..