kenny : Writing

Jello, the Saddest Food

Jello, the Saddest Food

A Poem by kenny

Oh sweet, feeble jello, the deliciousness that we all know,why do you quiver?it is not by cold you shiver. always sitting patiently, I will love the v..
rantings 004 thought I'd something more to say

rantings 004 thought I'd something more to say

A Story by kenny

so I just returned from the worst trip ever. Glad I went, but it was far from a cakewalk. but now, I'm back, and couldn't be happier to return to what..
Welcome Back

Welcome Back

A Poem by kenny

To leave someone is to leave a hole, It ends up giving them time with no goal.They have nowhere to aim, and every day feels the same. The life you lea..
Recovering The Impossible

Recovering The Impossible

A Poem by kenny

The World yet again demands more confidence,while they spare me none at their own expense. They want me to be strong and perfect, they ask me to embra..


A Poem by kenny

knights supposition part 3
Moments or Lifetimes?

Moments or Lifetimes?

A Poem by kenny

while to most only a few minutes may pass,for me it is lifetimes,as I wait alone for her. I do not stand where she will tread, but I continue to wait,..


A Poem by kenny

What is it upon which you stand? At common glance simply, the land.But if you dig deeper down through the exterior, You'll find a material quite super..
rantings 003 what teh fudge is up with the rock thing?

rantings 003 what teh fudge is up with the rock th..

A Story by kenny

So like half my poems are about rocks (well half of the good ones). Now why is that? to me Rocks represent strength and wisdom, which are two of the m..
The littlest Curmudgeon

The littlest Curmudgeon

A Story by kenny

Deep in the forest of happiness, sat the littlest Curmudgeon. As the runt of his litter, he rarely got anything worth having. Deep down he hated himse..
The Cold Flowing

The Cold Flowing

A Poem by kenny

The air moves freely and fast,Reminding me of loves past. The sting and burning,reminds me of their spurning. But alas as all things must do, We carry..