Ken e Bujold : Writing

Letters to the Ephyran

Letters to the Ephyran

A Poem by Ken e Bujold

"from the ashes of the old the new Phoenix arises"
Advice for the Forlorn

Advice for the Forlorn

A Poem by Ken e Bujold

"Dear Abby has nothing on me"
Dear Lugubrious

Dear Lugubrious

A Poem by Ken e Bujold

"already editing it LOL"
Honey, Pass the Butter Please

Honey, Pass the Butter Please

A Poem by Ken e Bujold

"inspired after a conversation with my dear friend Divya about buttons"


A Poem by Ken e Bujold

"complete rewrite, of old work, but as i still like both, it's new"
A Chinese Garden

A Chinese Garden

A Poem by Ken e Bujold

"based on true story, place"


A Poem by Ken e Bujold

when a life hangs in the balancebetween two orthreethe first syllable is the only oneyou remember.How lose the noose feels.Ken e Bujold
Que the Biscuits

Que the Biscuits

A Poem by Ken e Bujold

Chimps are buying optionsOn pork belly futures;Boss hog’s retired to TampaHaving made a killing on frozen OJ;The Juice is pedalingCryogenic pres..
Moby Wan Cervantes, Batman

Moby Wan Cervantes, Batman

A Poem by Ken e Bujold

'pure stream of consciousness'


A Poem by Ken e Bujold

Laughing, so hard I split my sole …the rest of the day drifting starboardalong the banks of a demented beachchaperoning maiden testudines to th..