Loss, Hurt, Pain, Guilt, Life
I stepped outside for a quick drag at 12:03 a.m. and my anxiety is firing in my fingertips. The nicotine burns my nose and I love it, as I breathe obs..
After reading the Great Gatsby, I wrote this poem.
Up she goes,to a strange place.She moves quick,no trace leftin her wake.Every move,calculated.Every step,measured.The stillness ofthis momentis sacred..
Porcelain, she glows. Beautiful and free to roam this life in wonder. With nothing to stop her from the life she knows must be lived, she goes in awe ..
A room fullof memoriessits in despair.Splayed with thecolors of his past.Red,yellow,turquoise,emerald.He waitsfor a day wherehis cruelsomethings, will..
Her wrists,covered in a scarletweb.Lacedwith the burdensshe carries.As she sits,her mind tangledwith griefShe falls,to the floor.In her scarletweb, wh..
He brings the glass to his lips,the golden liquid tickles his throatHe sways to the music,stumbles across the floorhelpless.He drinks another glass,dr..
I sat down at the computer one night, and this is the product. No rhyme or reason.