Iwanna know howMr Richard Burnishknew i fell off my roof fixin' my satelite dish, that's what I wanna know, is he stalkin' me or something? So I frigg..
Norway house
Norway House hammers
comin' from Manitoba
for Mr Burnish
What in the flip is a "dream eskimo"?
I talked to MrRichard Burnish on the telephone, he's the man pretendin' tobe me, Leroy Sinclair... soonthis call to his flippin radio show some years ..
From all the way up herein Norway House, I had to wait in lineto use thephonebecause I share a phone with my brothers at Norway House, soI finally get..
Why are so many of you people so flippinhateful toward old Leroy Sinclair? now I have some white woman named Valentine sendin me messages about bullcr..
This worldis full of too much sugar, in Norway House Leroy Sinclair could lay down some stories over the firewater for the Manitoba ladies of Norway H..
Who is this jerkMr Tony Jordanfella goin' around calling me names representing me, Leroy Sinclair from Norway House, as something that I amnot, I tell..
So this jerk comes up to me, Leroy Sinclair, pretending to be some Irish freedom fighter and I say to him "i don't got no beef outside of Norway House..