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I appreciate any comments and helpful critique.

I emerge as from a chrysalis,
an old life of sorrow and pain,
I would enter into a new life,
I have everything to gain.
I emerge

I emerge from an old life
a life of sin and shame.
as a lamb, a child of God.
Baptized in Jesus' name.
I emerge.

I emerge as a woman
time for a change of scene
I seek a new hemisphere of
wondrous opportunities indeed.
I emerge

I emerge, changed, excited,'
by all the glorious possibilities.
I am a woman on a mission,
ready to take on new responsibilities,
I emerge.

I emerge, looking to the future,
I have a new lease on life,
a marriage,based on faith and grace,
I would be his blessed wife,
I emerge.

I emerge, from my chrysalis.
my spirit has found freedom from strife
a butterfly, spreading my wings in flight
My hopes and dreams, finally, realized.
I emerge... changed.

Written by Kelle T.
August 20, 2007

My Fiance David

classic rock

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Posted 16 Years Ago

HI thanks for signing up, now just enjoy, you can go to the forums and post poetry or just chat, share interesting links with the oither folks here, give writing tips or read writing tip, tell us of your successes in writing etc.
You can enter our contest if you like. etc. agagin we at the Gate welcome you and glad that you could become a member with us

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Thanks a lot for the lovely review...!!!

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hello again, Kelsmiles.

Thanks for taking the time to respond to my question.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hello Kelsmiles.

Nice to meet you. Thanks for stopping by and expressing your opinion on the topic of people not taking responsibility.

As a poem -- literature, now did you find Orbs?