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About Me

Hmm... Does anyone actually want to know about my life? If there's some kind of unnecessary drama unfolding, my dad is watching television till his bloodsugar goes through the basment, I'm hungry, and there's a science project growing in the fridge, life proceeds as normal. Writing is how I survive it.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Okay, when you get the chance please go to my profile and see if you can read any of my works. I can't see any of them and I think that they're ALL gone! I didn't save any of them anywhere besides writerscafe! Which was probably a bad idea. I'm freaking out! If you can see them please save them all on word and send them to me. I'd be very appreciative of that. If you can't, then I think I'll go back to hyperventilating.

Ti voglio bene.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Oh my gosh! Thank you so much for reminding me about your new email! She did give it to me! (About a week after you gave it to her) but that's okay. =] I can't believe I forgot about it! I think I stuck it in my wallet and told myself I'd get online that night and email you, but I guess I forgot. Short term memory loss? Maybe! But I'll send you an email right this second! :) And mine is [email protected] (btw) lol. I guess that'd be good for you to know! :D
Ti voglio molto bene!
Hope you're doing well!

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Kelsey! Thank you so much for your review on Desperation!! It made me feel great when I read it! I really appreciate it! I'm so sorry that I haven't gotten around to writing a letter to you. :( What's sad is that I can sit on my a*s as long as you want me to and type things on the computer but I guess I'm too lazy to write an actual letter. I'll try to soon though! I miss you so much! IB is terrible without you. You're the only thing that kept me SANE, unlike the rest of the class. ie. Torin, Reese, Sarah, etc. Lol! But anyway, thank you so much! (again)! And I hope I can see you soon!


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thank you for all your reviews ... you are very thorough. I like that.... I am a rather sloppy writer, I am afraid (the journalist in my, no doubt ..:LOL). Many of the points you have made, I agree with. xxx

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thank you for all your reviews ... you are very thorough. I like that.... I am a rather sloppy writer, I am afraid (the journalist in my, no doubt ..:LOL). Many of the points you have made, I agree with. xxx

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Posted 17 Years Ago

"Life proceeds as normal."

^^^ I knew I had heard you say that before I read your story "Life Proceeds as Normal (experimental)," because obviously, it's in your bio. It took me a few minutes to figure that out, but I love that phrase. (You should trademark it.) [x

Ti voglio molto bene!

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Posted 17 Years Ago

thank you for the rock

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Wow! Thanks for all the fab reviews ... much appreciated. also quite agree with the points you made.

A) tenses in the devil: I was aware of the switching tenses and thought about it; all I can say is that somehow it FELT right.

B) whimsical "fat" question in lies: I agree, but I wanted to throw in a jarring switch in mood here ... not to get too moral ...

C) cuppa in Morocco: maybe I should have put it in inverted commas; I used it to put the "cuppa" mint into the same category as the "cuppa" regular ...

But, hey, thanks for all the valuable comments. see you around. xxx

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Posted 17 Years Ago

hey girl, i hope that you are doing well. thanks for coming to graduation

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Posted 17 Years Ago

:D I knew it!! Woo hooo!!! ;) Anyway, I loved your poem/story. Your first one!! YAY!! Well, I'll talk to you later! Wish me luck on the geometry exam tomorrow . . . =/

Ti voglio bene!!