"Don't cry, hush".You whisper the words in my ear,Your voice chilling the veins throughout my body.Your arms, tightly hugging me,Yearning for me to st..
It seems only fair that I get my revenge.Just a kiss?Just a touch?It's all the same.I wonder...if she truly cared.Truly cared about you,the way I did...
Broken and listless,I watch the waves of the ocean,Crashing upon the golden edge of the beach.Sunlight streams upon the earth,Casting a golden glow on..
Something I wrote awhile back for a creative writing class. pahahaha
Keep me waiting, alone in the dark.You never cared, I knew it from the start.You tell me I am your everything, and maybe it was once true.But how can ..
Walking down the halls, you see different faces.There's the girl who wishes someone would notice her;The boy who struggles with self harm;There's the ..