Kelsea : Writing



A Poem by Kelsea

Old. Description of apathy. Have fun!


A Poem by Kelsea

Dull, gray, lifeless A person's eyes As you watch, you see a light- and at first, it's brilliant... and then it just Escapes. Sleepwalking, ..
His Concrete Lips

His Concrete Lips

A Poem by Kelsea

Usureta Hikari

Usureta Hikari

A Poem by Kelsea

Conceptual meddling.
A Misplaced Madness

A Misplaced Madness

A Poem by Kelsea

Take that.
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for the lulz


A Poem by Kelsea

Oh, I'm perfectly aware that this sucks. It feels like a broken memory to me, more than anything. I was playing off an idea, as per usual.
The Art of Miscommunication

The Art of Miscommunication

A Poem by Kelsea

I sort of realized on my own that what I'm trying to describe makes perfect sense to ME because I see it clearly, I know what I'm talking about. But..