Kejo : Writing

Pretty Angel

Pretty Angel

A Poem by Kejo

Pretty angel Pretty pretty angel Crying tears of blood Hunched shoulders Broken wings Moulting feathers Pretty angel Pretty pretty angel Bro..


A Poem by Kejo

Broken windows And broken mirrors Broken eyes staring back at me Forgotten words And forgotten voices Forgotten child inside of me Broken skin ..


A Poem by Kejo

and softly we fall though the cotton candy clouds while time itself stands still we listen to the sounds children laugh and music plays while we ..
Cabin on the hill

Cabin on the hill

A Poem by Kejo

This is for you Shane.
Yellow Sunglasses and a Black Rose

Yellow Sunglasses and a Black Rose

A Poem by Kejo

She looked funny Walking down the street In her pretty Sunday dress And yellow sunglasses Carrying a single black rose That first time She make..

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