KeithKVH : Writing

Ch 12: Stranded

Ch 12: Stranded

A Chapter by KeithKVH

Just when things were looking up, the portal home becomes impossible as Mythra finds she left the necessary parts behind. Fox places Alexander in a di..
Ch 13: The Tragedy of Alexander Bastille

Ch 13: The Tragedy of Alexander Bastille

A Chapter by KeithKVH

Following Alexander, Mythra tries to convince him to come to dinner, and in the process blurts out his greatest secret just as Amy brings his meal to ..
Ch 14: Revelation

Ch 14: Revelation

A Chapter by KeithKVH

In the Halls of Origin, Fox reveals the Nameless One is a being worthy of the title Dark God. Despite the situation, Alexander suggests a side trip, a..
Ch 15: Back in Action

Ch 15: Back in Action

A Chapter by KeithKVH

Worryied about their friends trapped on Gaia yet unsure how they can aid them, Schmitt and Rufus are mulling over their options at Mythra's house when..
Ch 16: Mission Void Drive

Ch 16: Mission Void Drive

A Chapter by KeithKVH

In the city of Celesits, Alastor delivers his ultimatum to the Head of the Guild Council, while at the same time Rufus and Schmitt work with Douglas t..
Ch 17: Escape from Celestis

Ch 17: Escape from Celestis

A Chapter by KeithKVH

With the Void Drive in hand, Douglas and the others run afoul of Giselle, Alastor's right hand. As they make their daring escape, what will Douglas do..
Ch 18: Unlikely Heroes

Ch 18: Unlikely Heroes

A Chapter by KeithKVH

Using himself as a decoy, Douglas has allowed Schmitt and Rufus to escape with the Void Drive. Facing off against Alastor himself, will he meet his en..
Ch 19: Facing Reality

Ch 19: Facing Reality

A Chapter by KeithKVH

An encounter with Gisette forces Alexander to reveal the danger caused by the seals. Still trying to take everything upon himself, can he turn his moo..
Ch 20: Working Together is What It's All About

Ch 20: Working Together is What It's All About

A Chapter by KeithKVH

It's finally time to set up for the show, but Alexander pulls Richter, Amy, and Grey off on a trip to another city. Pulling the group together in thei..
Ch 21: Scott and Saria's Misadventure!

Ch 21: Scott and Saria's Misadventure!

A Chapter by KeithKVH

Following after Scott in the hopes of getting to know him better, Saria nearly turns back when she suddenly ends up defending a young half halman boy ..