Kayla Gentry ( Kyrie Kerr) : Writing

Animated Minds

Animated Minds

A Poem by Kayla Gentry ( Kyrie Kerr..

Animated Minds Swirling darts of puce and mauve,Twisting limbs, the scent of cloves.Plunged in thoughts and erotic dreams,Pain and numbness split t..


A Poem by Kayla Gentry ( Kyrie Kerr..

Overdose Every time I look at you, the voices in my head,Whisper, scream and shout at me, I know I should be dead.But God I’ve tried, you kno..
My Wings Were Clipped Long Ago

My Wings Were Clipped Long Ago

A Poem by Kayla Gentry ( Kyrie Kerr..

My wings were clipped long ago F**k me, I have fallen like the devil, caught myself in the mix of lovers, made myself fluent in the language of lie..
Chained Wings

Chained Wings

A Poem by Kayla Gentry ( Kyrie Kerr..

Chained Wings When I look back on my life, what shall I see? Mistakes and missed opportunities? When I was young I feared the world and what it had..
Like Love that Fades

Like Love that Fades

A Poem by Kayla Gentry ( Kyrie Kerr..

Like love that fades. No, I won’t marry into your beliefs and control, You think you’ve won me but it’s all in the subtleties...W..


A Poem by Kayla Gentry ( Kyrie Kerr..

cant sleep
Sex is Art

Sex is Art

A Poem by Kayla Gentry ( Kyrie Kerr..

This is Kinda my Hippie Philosophy and Perspectives take on Sex...and sometimes art lol ^_^


A Poem by Kayla Gentry ( Kyrie Kerr..

This poem or whatever it may be doesn't live up to any conventional standards Of course not that it was written in that context It just sort of appear..
Sex is

Sex is

A Poem by Kayla Gentry ( Kyrie Kerr..

my poem about sex... free verse... comments are welcome.. edited version yet to come.. it will be longer and more detailed...
Abortion Poem

Abortion Poem

A Poem by Kayla Gentry ( Kyrie Kerr..

its what the title says it is I started going on the Abortion Poem Role when I got a text message/e-mail from a friend with one of the "poems" I put o..